Welcome to AiHome!

Hi everyone!

This is an extension blog from MUAHRILOU blog where I blog about church activities and scripture study.

Here in my new blog I'll be sharing with you more about our home. I'll be sharing with you our little garden, our house organization and everything about running a home, our family, food recipes that our family love the most and new recipes that we wanted to try, and yes! it's all about our home!

My family is from Samar, Philippines. We are Waray-Waray people. My family and I love where we came from. But now, we are permanently residing at Cebu City. Where we have a whole new life here. We are also loving it here. In this blog, I'll be sharing to you also about my hometown at Samar. The food we love and that we still continue to cook up until now. The traditions we have there and a little about my expereinces while I was there.

God has given me opportunity to go to Taiwan in one of my life's expereince. This blog will also gives you ideas of what I have learned from Taiwan and things that I adopted to do.

I hope that this blog would be a source of inspiration to you all just like I was get inspired by the other bloggers out there! I think this is our main purpose is to give inspiration to everyone. 

Thank you for continue support!


